Tuesday, 25 February 2014

The haching eggs have arrived!

Yesterday I said we were waiting for hatching eggs in the post, well, they have now arrived! We have a selection of eggs, some mixed Leghorns, mixed Araucanas, Legcanas (a cross between araucanas and leghorns) and some La Bresse eggs. I'm really excited about having chicks! Dad is tyding out the dining room for the chicks (The incubator will be in there and the chicks will be for around a week - 10 days, it depends if they are big enough.) We'll be putting the eggs in the incubator for three weeks and then they hatch! They'll be going in the incubator tomorrow - they need 24 hours to rest. We have 25 eggs all together! That's a lot!
The eggs - the light brown ones are the La Bresse eggs, the blue ones are araucanas, the white ones nearest the araucanas are the legcanas, and the white eggs nearest the La bresse are the Leghorns.
In other news - we're getting two goats! They are probably going to be This kind of goat - Toggenburg goats. I am really excited, and we're thinking of names, even though it will be ages before we get them.

It's a nice day today and I have been feeding the hens bread and meal worms (Their favourite!), they go absaluetly insane for them! I have also been stroking Gary and Islay today, they have been ouside hunting in the lovely weather. Gary and Islay sleep in my bed every night! They are so warm and furry and keep me warm in the cold weather.
I will post tomorrow about the eggs going in the incubator!
So, bye for now!

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